
Rebecca writes under several names, in several genres, and for several age groups, and her work could often be considered interstitial, falling in-between the margins of genre, or cross-genre fiction, mixing and matching whatever each story requires. Her work often defies standard classification.

Here, you can find a sampling of works that are available for purchase, or other public consumption! Short stories, poetry, and podcasts, oh my!

Watch for more work, as there are several works in progress in the works, as well! There is much more, yet to come!

 Nothing Lasts Forever

a short story by

Rebecca Harris

Avivah, Nikki, Ali, and Beth had been friends since anyone could remember. They did everything together, until one fateful night when everything changed: Their worlds were upended and one of them never came home again.

Bony Fingered Limbs *

a collection of poetry by

Rebecca Harris

This book is a memoir in poetry, beginning with angsty teenage years, watching new loves blossom and fade away. A reflective teen, I used poetry to describe the world around me, and examined my thoughts and feelings with the same fervor. As I grew up and met the man I would marry, grew to know and trust him, I managed a long distance betrothal, and we soon began our lives together. Before long, a pair of children graced our home, and life continued on.

I hope you can find a reflection of yourself in my words, find beauty in how I see the world, and feel the pain in the moments of sadness. Above all, I hope, in some way, my words touch you.

Since the initial publication, in 2011, my eldest child has come out as transgender. Any and all poems with mention of this child have been corrected and updated for his gender and name.

*Content/Trigger Warning: This book contains poems that contain suicidal thoughts / ideation. I’m flagging them for you in a coming second edition, so you can skip past them if you prefer.

is a ghost story blog and podcast. Written and performed under the name Becca Harris, this project collects real people’s spooky stories, told in their own words.

These interviews are transcribed, then with names and personal details of the storytellers changed to protect their privacy, the interview is turned into a story. The stories are written out for the blog, and the podcast is an audio version of the same content.

If you have a spooky story of your own to share, send in your stories, and they’ll be added to the queue of stories to share!

Season 2 is still expected, and is in progress, behind the scenes!